Snaw-naw-as Sanitary Sewer System
Chatwin Engineering provided the solution by designing and building a state of the art sanitary sewer collection system, major sewer pumping station, sanitary sewer treatment facility, and a 2.2km outfall.

Ehattesaht Tribe – Queen’s Cove Ground Water Supply Program
Chatwin Engineering was retained by the Ehattesaht Tribe to start an investigation to determine ground water source potentials for a new potable water supply.

Huu-ay-aht First Nations uses Innovative Technology and a Pipeline Rehabilitation Project
Rehabilitating a strategic piece of pipe in the Huu-ay-aht First Nations water supply system, which was buried under the Pachena River.

Macoah Marina & Dock Facility
This project involved the design and construction of a commercial marina for 60 small craft, including floats, breakwater, moorings, anchors, etc.